Failure to germinate when the cacao seeds have been covered up by the soil, this is influenced by poor seed viability. If the cacao seeds lose viability, the germination will not occur.
Some insects like grasshoppers tends to eat and cut young cacao stems, this obvious happens after the cacao seeds have been succcessed to germinate, this situation is accelerated by the weakness and softness of cacao seedling stems which attract insects. See the picture below.
Inability of the cacao bean to sprout from the soil, cacao seeds may undergo germination and develop roots in the soil but will fail to let the bean out of the soil, this can be caused by overloading of seeds covering soil during sowing of seeds in plastic bags. See the picture below.
Failure of the cacao been to divide itself into two parts to allow the growing of the leaves, cacao seeds which have poor viability qualities faces this problem. See the picture below.
The strong direct sun rays that reach to the first young cacao leaves, the direct leaf exposure to the sunlight makes young leaves to dry in the cacao nursery. See the picture below.
When managing cacao trees nursery the above challenges are likely to happen, but a farmer is advised to replant.